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4 Cycles + 1 — 2018
Riga Circus, Riga, Latvia

Mixed Media: 5 part electronic music composition for two Korg Minilogue synthesizers,
Ritual Performance, and Moving Images

Accelerations across all vectors of society, warfare, and capitalism evoke a byproduct ritual of sexual and sonic violence that lays unresponsive to new age fetishes, magical realism, and the parochial moralities of American politics. This Post-Mexican ceremony is monotony sustained by pragmatism and our baser instincts. 4 Cycles + 1 is a public gathering for acknowledging human ferocity — a self-implicating metaphor for our enduring and determined appetite.

4 Cycles + 1 is a one-hour long performance art work structured by 5 sound invocations composed for two Korg Minilogue synthesizers. The sound invocations are performed from the zenith to the cardinal directions. The latitudinal songs are performed to recognize the rising sun to the east and Venus to the west. The longitudinal songs represent the Americas. A fifth song represents the Zenith itself, which is located at the center of a circle demarcated by the circus. A single projections of moving images, and the composition of elements together depict sexual, scientific, and violent themes. As the performance progresses, sounds spiral inward and away from a center of extreme focus and intensity.